


Email: caiqing@tiangong.edu.cn




教育和工作经历 ———————————————————————————

2023 – 今,天津工业大学 人工智能学院 讲师;

2022 – 2023,卡迪夫大学 脑研究影像中心 公派访学;

2018 – 2023,天津大学 电气自动化与信息工程学院 博士;

2015 – 2018,天津大学 电气自动化与信息工程学院 硕士;

2010 – 2014, 辽宁石油化工大学 信息与控制工程学院 学士;

主要科研项目 ————————————————————————————

主要学术论文 ————————————————————————————

[1]Q. Cai, Z.-K. Gao, J.-P. An, S. Gao, and C. Grebogi, " A Graph-Temporal fused dual-input Convolutional Neural Network for Detecting Sleep Stages," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.(SCIIF=4.4)

[2]Q. Cai, J.-P. An, H.-Y. Li, J.-Y. Guo, and Z.-K. Gao, " Cross-subject emotion recognition using visibility graph and genetic algorithm-based convolution neural network," Chaos.(SCIIF=2.9)

[3]Q. Cai, Z.-K. Gao, Y.-X. Yang, W.-D. Dang, and C. Grebogi, "Multiplex Limited Penetrable Horizontal Visibility Graph from EEG Signals for Driver Fatigue Detection," International Journal of Neural Systems. (SCI 一区IF=8)

[4]J.-P. An, Q. Cai, Z.-Q. Qu, and Z.-K. Gao, "COVID-19 Screening in Chest X-Ray Images Using Lung Region Priors," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. (SCI 一区IF=7.7)

[5]Z.-K. Gao, Q. Cai, Y.-X. Yang, and W.-D. Dang, "Time-dependent limited penetrable visibility graph analysis of nonstationary time series," Physica A. (SCIIF=3.3)

[6]Z.-K. Gao, Q. Cai, Y.-X. Yang, N. Dong, and S.-S. Zhang, "Visibility Graph from Adaptive Optimal Kernel Time-Frequency Representation for Classification of Epileptiform EEG," International Journal of Neural Systems. (ESI 高被引论文SCI 一区IF=8)

[7]Z.-K. Gao, Q. Cai, Y.-X. Yang, W.-D. Dang, and S.-S. Zhang, "Multiscale limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph for analyzing nonlinear time series," Scientific Report. (ESI 高被引论文,SCI二区,IF=4.6)

[8]Z.-K. Gao, Q. Cai, N. Dong, S.-S. Zhang, Y. Bo, and J. Zhang, "Complex network inference from P300 signals: Decoding brain state under visual stimulus for able-bodied and disabled subjects," Physica A.(SCIIF=3.3)